Replacement windows and doors

Replacement windows and doors, are suitable for those wanting a complete overhaul of their current windows and doors. The process is simple: existing joinery is removed entirely and a new window or door and framing structure is installed. With full replacement, you have the opportunity to completely transform the style and configuration of your windows and doors. The full Klima® product offering is available for replacement windows and doors, including AluClip and european style Tilt-and-Turn windows.

  1. The old joinery is removed and fully replaced with new joinery
  2. Installation is the same as a new window install and complies with the NZ Building Code E2/AS1
  3. Drainage is concealed under the facing of the frame
  4. Klima replacement windows can be installed into any cladding. Speak to your local manufacturer for more information

Klima replacement window installation